
Blushing with Pride
We were beyond grateful for this rave review! Cru can only hope that each guest has the same great experience as did this gentleman. Remember, we always love to hear from you!
"I review restaurants on three principles: I don’t mind paying…

Cru in USA Today!
We were thrilled to find our quaint Café featured in USA Today’s ‘ Where Locals Eat In Charleston’ article! Check out below to see what they had to say about Cru!
Cru Cafe
"Tucked away in an 18th-century single house on Pinckney Street,…

Sparkling or Tap?
When dining out do you request sparkling or tap water? We have actually seen a trend in water sommeliers, yes sommeliers for water. The trend hasn’t quite reached us here on the East coast, but we would be willing to guess it will make its…

All you need to know- Olive Oil
For years now there has been debate about healthy fats and healthy oils vs more traditional 'non-healthy' options. Aside from health, the flavor of the oil is what truly makes a difference. “It’s all about what you’re cooking and the flavors…

Who You Callin' a Shrimp?
Everyone, locals and visitors, love the fresh supply of seafood from our beautiful Charleston waters. A popular favorite is fresh & local shrimp. Commercially in Charleston the first shrimp season (called roe season) usually begins the…

Feeding The Need- Cru Gives Back!
Cru recently participated in another successful ‘Feed The Need’ event.
We love all our events, but these, well, are just awesome!
Feed the need allows us to bring our culinary skills to the table and feed those less fortunate.…

Insiders Scoop on Cru's Gardens
From the creative and brilliant mind of our own Chef John Zucker is his insight into the beautiful gardens flourishing in a parking lot on Harmon St.
The idea of planting the raised gardens just simply developed. We had an empty parking lot…

We Aim to Please!
With today’s population living longer health and wellness is a prominent focus in many people’s lives. Also with the advancements of medicine we now know much more about how what we eat affects our health. There are a variety of specialty…

Let's Eat Local!
Spring is a busy season in the Holy City, and we are very excited to be a part of the 6th Annual Chef’s Potluck on Sunday April 28 at Middleton Place Plantation, from 4-7 pm. The Chef’s Potluck is a popular local event hosting more than…

Another Chef's Feast Success
With Spring in the air Charleston begins to boom. Cru kicked off the season by participating in one of our favorite charity events- the 14th Annual Chef’s Feast benefiting the Lowcountry Food Bank. The event, black tie optional, was held…