Charleston is #1 for the Third Year in a Row!
Cru wanted to spread the great news! We love living in such an AMAZING City!
For the third consecutive year, Charleston has been named the #1 U.S. City with an overall score of 83.2 from the Culture, Friendliness, Atmosphere, Restaurants,…

Blushing with Pride
We were beyond grateful for this rave review! Cru can only hope that each guest has the same great experience as did this gentleman. Remember, we always love to hear from you!
"I review restaurants on three principles: I don’t mind paying…

Cru in USA Today!
We were thrilled to find our quaint Café featured in USA Today’s ‘ Where Locals Eat In Charleston’ article! Check out below to see what they had to say about Cru!
Cru Cafe
"Tucked away in an 18th-century single house on Pinckney Street,…