Charleston Cuisine 101~ Cru Cafe, Charleston
We loved this infographic from the Culinary Tours of Charleston about the history of the Holy City's Cuisine. You learn something new everyday! What's your favorite Charleston inspired dish from Cru Cafe?

What's All the Hype About the Chef's Table? ~ Cru Cafe, Charleston
Either you're a huge fan of the Chef's Table or you're wondering what the big deal is. We loved this article on what a 'Chef's Table' is all about. It's personally one of our favorite features at the Cafe and we hope you'll join us for this…

How Are We Doing? ~Cru Cafe, Charleston
Have you been to the Cafe lately? We’d love to hear how your visit went, after all it’s the only way we make sure we are giving you the best dining experience Cru has to offer!
Share your photos, your thoughts, your suggestions with us!